Saturday 31 December 2011

Introduction to Founder of Lace and Buttons

My name is Prudence. I am a certified Style Coach and founder of the online ladies fashion boutique, Lace and Buttons. With this newly created blog, I hope to share with you my journey of starting my own business as a new entrepreneur as well as interesting and useful information of fashion or beauty related topics based on the Style Coaching™ principles. Before that though, let me tell you a little more about how I got into this very inspiring and dynamic profession.

Like most of the people I knew, I was brought up in a middle class family. Despite little education, my father was able to single-handedly provide a good living for my mother, a home-maker, and three daughters, through sheer hard work and tenacity as a sole proprietor in the automobile business. I am the youngest daughter and was regarded as the “baby” of the family, especially since I was very shy and introverted by nature. Unlike my sisters who were taught to be independent since young, I was brought up in a more sheltered and protected environment. I became very dependent on my parents and had very little faith in what I can achieved on my own. There came a point when my self-esteem was so low that I thought I can never achieve true success and was destined to be an ‘average Joe’ for the rest of my life.

My turning point came when I was given the opportunity to study overseas, in Australia. For the first time in my life, I was all by myself in a foreign country. To my surprise, I was totally thrilled by the experience and whatever fear I may had was dispelled when I realized that adapting to this new lifestyle was not rocket science after all.  Eventually, I also traveled to Canada and New Zealand to complete my four years degree in Psychology. During that period, I met wonderful people and built friendships that will last a lifetime.
I returned to my home country a very different person from whom I used to be, much more confident, optimistic and excited about the future. I started off my career as a sales team manager and eventually ventured into public relations and marketing. Though I have gained very useful and enriching work experiences, I was never truly happy with my work. Somehow, I felt something amiss and I wanted to find that missing part in my life. It dawned on me that my real passion lies in helping others develop themselves and in the area of fashion design. This prompted me to do some research and much to my delight, I realised that I can do a course on Style Coaching™, an unique discipline which allows me to be professionally trained to help others make positive changes to their outer appearances while simultaneously helping them to grow in confidence. Having experienced low self-esteem and confidence in my earlier years, I felt strongly that I will be able to relate very well with my clients as a Style Coach.  

Without any doubts in my heart, I took up the course and after close to one year of intensive training, assignments and examination, I received top honors as a certified style coach. A style coach can commence his or her practice in any way possible, be it through the conventional means of guiding clients through the whole process of image consulting and confidence building or through more innovative start-ups which focus on specific topics in Style Coaching™. I chose the latter approach. By introducing a body shape and style personality tests on my online boutique, Lace and Buttons, customers can finally pick out designs that suit them best. 

I will be blogging on many interesting topics in upcoming posts so do keep a look-out!

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